Thursday, May 8, 2014

Minimum Wage

So, apparently the minimum wage is like, an issue.
Seattle raised theirs to $15!!

Rand Paul has the right idea

but more importantly, of course, is my opinion.

As long as borders are easy to cross, all it really does is effectively forces the lower class out of the area, and into the neighboring one, as long as they too, do not have such a crazy minimum wage.

Although minimum wage also accompanies welfare and unemployment benefits for those who do not work.

So what will really happen, is that all the lower class but hard working people (the young, uneducated, the minorities) will leave, and the class differences will deepen, because those who won't or can't work will be the only ones left, that, and the upper class of people who are worth at least 15/hour.

What the average Seattleite will see is a increase in the number of people they like (bourgeois like themselves) and a starker, more pronounced kind of lower class (the truly destitute), which will only deepen their resolve, as the working middle class disappears from there area, and therefor from the public Zeitgeist.

As long as oil stays cheap, Minimum wage will be fine here, as we export our 'poor people' to China, and the Chinese government is strong enough to enslave *their* people.

Don't you fucking get it? The Chinese are our slaves, and the United States Government pays the oil companies to keep them that ay, because of the way the federal reserve works, and because of our minimum wage laws.

The only difference is in what you see. You don't have to see the slaves in YOUR back yard, somehow its okay now.

I support racial equality. Therefor I am against the minimum wage, and the federal reserve. I hope you will join me in ending the racial discrimination against those outside the capital nation.

People who are for the minimum wage have no idea the stress and frustration of owning a company, or the work involved, or, more importantly, the finances involved. If you think that business owners are money grubbing lazy people sucking the value from their workers, you are clearly a valueless worker who cannot increase his value by any other way but the use of violence.

here is no difference between a Mom and Pop business, and a 'corporation'. It is a legal status; what you hate, is the special benefits certain well-connected businesses receive over others, which does in fact, hurt the poor very much. I hate them too.

What you need to learn, is that you cannot use that very same government to "correct" the problems of those corporations being in bed with the government. It will not happen; unless it benefits those corporations. That's why minimum wage is pushed, because it sounds like a benefit.

Minimum wage is the most bumper sticker ideology there is. Its like, "oh, i feel bad for the poor, so lets have SOME ONE ELSE (because I'm not a fucking business owner) give them more money! I'm so enlightened and CHARITABLE (with other people's money)"

There is a very large difference between what you would like to see happen, and what is possible. In the real world, you ignore that difference at the danger of empowering those who are willing to literally sell you an impossible dream.

Utopianism has been dead for a while now. Its time to wake up and realize no amount of violence will bring us peace.

Have the Chinese buy U.S. bonds, raise the minimum wage in the United States, import products from China, and use the federal reserve to pay for indefinite unemployment benefits.

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