Thursday, January 31, 2013

Quick Comment on Guns

I think we lose credibility and the likelihood of changing hearts and minds when we blatantly ignore the 'other' sides valid premises. Guns are evil. Plain and simple.

There are more peaceful ways to do what they accomplish, other than the destruction of human life. 

But the adult real reality of life here is that they cannot be disappeared, and no one benefits from an arms gap between the law abiding, and the violently intended. If I could magically disappear all guns forever; I would. But I can't, so I own as many and as powerful as I can.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Knowledge is a very funny thing. Theory of knowledge, sometimes called 'Epistemology' is a complicated topic.

I feel, however, it is also an extremely important topic.

I believe in Truth. With a capital mother-fucking 'T'. There is one singular Truth, and it is knowable.

But there is something the post-modernist nihilist self-important pretentious assholes DID get right. You don't know the Truth. You know, next to nothing.

In fact, I would argue that you know nothing but what you have experienced.

However, even your experiences are ultimately incongruous. Therefor internal assumptions must be made. That which provides the greatest amount of consistency with your knowledge is likely to be true. What you do not know you must assess a likelihood. Your whole world view is a tower of likelihoods on top of likelihoods.

Beliefs are a set of ideas or concepts that you burn into your mind; an anchor for which all likelihoods are to be judged against. Beliefs are an outdated technology. Science has replaced the natural belief software we come with. Beliefs are what cause human beings to start with a conclusion and work backwards.

Perfect for a hominid on the savanna, needing to make snap life and death decisions, without the time, understanding, or benefits of group collaboration. Beliefs are fantastic heuristics which help you maintain control in the heat of the moment. Not that I could convince you to have no beliefs at all, as it is your own natural human predilection to do so. But here is what I would suggest to you:

Examine your beliefs, examine the hell out of them. Keep them only to topics which are of importance at times when you do not have the time, temper, or patience to be reasonable.

Everything else, try to stop thinking in terms of 'knowledge'. A simple change in the terminology can be very helpful. Try instead of 'I know JFK never landed the twin towers on the moon' saying 'I find it unlikely that JFK landed the twin towers on the moon'.

See how much more credible you sound?

TLDR; Nothing is known for certain, but many things are likely. Beliefs are dangerous, but can be useful when limited to situations you do not always have time to assess likelihoods. Stop assuming you know how things are, and start discussing how likely certain facts and assessments are.

Monday, January 21, 2013


To me, Respect is being honest. Respect is not holding back. Respect is treating others as though they have the integrity and capacity to discuss issues and ideas like rational adults. I respect you. Not in the way you want me to, but in the way that allows me to continue to see you as a person capable of good.
Maybe you don't deserve my respect. Maybe, just maybe, you are too much of a child to discuss real and important issues using words and ideas. Maybe you want to run away scared and helpless; but I WILL NEVER FACILITATE IN YOUR LOSS OF INTEGRITY. and THAT, is the kindest thing I know.

When I die; its true, I may have burned so many bridges, offended so many people that very few people will show up to my funeral. But what do I care? I'll be fucking dead. I won't know either way.

Meanwhile, in my life, I am surrounded by people who are good, honest, and true; and as I die, I will know that I lived my life honestly and with integrity.

I respect myself and have built a belief system through hard work, study, and constant inquiry. I am comfortable with myself and who and what I am and have become. Its a good thing.

I wish for peace people. And I am willing to defend it (intellectually of course; I don't believe in violence :p), even if that means you are going to run away from me screaming about my lunacy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

RE:Objective vs Subjective Morality PART I (the importance of functional definitions)

This is going to be a multi parter

This post is in response to a post made by Steven Novella at Neurologica Blog entitled 'Objective vs Subject Morality'

Steven Novella is one of my long time heroes. The work that his colleagues and he at  The Skeptic's guide to the Universe has done is beyond compare. I have nothing but love and respect for the man, and the work he does.

Writing a blog post on his coat tails is really an act of hubris on my part, and done more for my own edification more than anything else.

So here goes:

On a recent blog post Steven Novella explains why he thinks objective morality is not only unworkable, it’s a fiction.

Steven is kind enough to define morality for us. He defines it as "a code of behavior that aspires to some goal that is perceived as good."

Unfortunately he has not defined what he considers to be the definition of 'objective' and 'subjective'. And here is the reason this blog post will have to be a multi parter.


  [suh b-jek-tiv]  Show IPA

existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought ( opposedto objective ).
pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.
placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.
Philosophy relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from athing in itself.
relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universalexperience.


  [uh b-jek-tiv]  Show IPA
being the object or goal of one's efforts or actions.
not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: anobjective opinion.
intent upon or dealing with things external to the mind rather than with thoughts or feelings, as aperson or a book.
being the object of perception or thought; belonging to the object of thought rather than to thethinking subject ( opposed to subjective ).
of or pertaining to something that can be known, or to something that is an object or a part of anobject; existing independent of thought or an observer as part of reality.

If you take the time to read these definitions, and then read Steven's definition, and then read the definitions a couple of times, you may come across the same problem that I have.

When Steven defines morality as part of a perception, it is de facto subjective, seeing as how objectivity deals with pure factuality as OPPOSED to your own thoughts (read: perceptions) and feelings.

I'm sorry Steven, but it would appear to me that the rest of your post is a lot of long-winded hand waving as you have clearly already tipped the game in your favor by setting the definitions to your personal world view.

If things which are subjective are non-facts which are part of perception, and morality is a code to achieve perceived goods, then ipso facto these perceived goods are subjective therefor the code itself becomes based upon subjectivity, making the whole mess complex, with some subjective aspects and some objective aspects.

There is a very real, very important, and very long conversation to be had on whether or not morality is objective or subjective; but that conversation needs to start in a place where definitions are not rigged.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Quick Comment to my New Friend Getting a Criminal Justice Degree

Please don't become a police officer. Dont join the military. Dont join the FBI. These are organizations where you will hurt innocent people.

I understand you may think it is an exciting job, or that the money is good, or that you are actually protecting people.

Please bare in mind that revenue generation =/= to protective services.

I dont think people realize how hurtful some of the things the State does... to others and to themselves. Before becoming an agent of the State, try to see the tragedies being committed by it. The world would be a much more peaceful place if agents of violence and coercion spent more time focusing on peace.

Show some integrity.

Childish am I? Naive?

If you are voluntarily part of an organization that conducts its business via initiative violence, you are a part of the violence. It seems more likely to me that the real juvenile attitude is to show such deference to daddy State. I am embarrassed that members of my family are a part of the ignorance and violence. I forgive their violence because I know they are ignorant; I will not forgive the willful continuation of that ignorance. Again, revenue generation and mercenary work are not equivalent to protective services. WAKE UP!!!!

To be clear. I am certain that members of the State aggression forces endeavour to do good, however what is abundantly clear is that their actions in practice are devastatingly and consistently incongruous with their intent. Not learning from that experience and continuing to aggress fills me with quite a bit of anger. So they can all suck a cock. I wish they would quit their job with the violent gang, and find gainful, productive employment that does not include theft and violence. I call such productive professions "real" jobs.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Made Only to Kill


Its the big topic. Why do people need them? How/Why are these 'weapons of war' needed?

Maybe its true that these things are made for killing human beings. I'll agree. They are pointless, dangerous, and in the wrong hands, they kill people.  I cannot abide human tragedy. As you'll probably come to notice, undue suffering is really the only thing I hate.

But lemme just say;  real quick here; yeah, 100 round magazines have no real practical purpose compared to a 3-round clip. Yeah, I don't need a collapsable stock, or a muzzled barrel. But you know what? I don't care. Why?

The United States has a lot of stupid, pointless things legal. Do you have any idea how many people die a week because of alcohol? Its made to kill people! But when I drink, I feel like a man! I feel powerful, I love to drink! Same thing with my AK-47.

No speed limit in the united states is above 80 miles an hour. Why can your car go faster than that? Talk about a machine to commit crimes, and no other purpose! But that ability, to take a machine, and know that you CAN if you wanted/need to, go ape-shit on the highway, that you can. Same thing with my short barrel shot-gun!

My Saiga 20-gauge Kalishnakov Rifle may have no real purpose, but damn-it! Its cool, and its fun, and yes, it is possible that innocent people can be harmed by it's improper use, but these are the risks of life!


Freak occurrences are not to be the basis of public fucking policy! It's tragic. it's terrible. The death of those children fucking sucks. I cried. But why not, for a change, try to think about the things we CAN change. Why not think about the dozens of children who have been MURDERED by drones in the Middle East by the United States this week alone.

Those deaths CAN be avoided.

You can choose your actions, but not their consequences. There is no reason to assume it is likely that there is a real way to get dangerous weapons out of the hands of deranged lunatics. NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF LAWS YOU PASS.

Lets choose actions which consequence's we know.


The Offensive Contrarian is a new blog I am starting as an outlet. The mission of this blog is to just lay it on the table. Whatever I may be thinking about (usually politics), especially the things that piss me off. Here I will give my honest and ernest opinion on them. More importantly, I will not be giving them on Facebook where everyone gets all pissy at me for saying 'mean' or 'hurtful' things.

Heads up:   I consider myself a Libertarian/Voluntaryist/Anarchist whatever you wanna call it, I have a natural distaste for the establishment; I would also consider myself part of the 'Skeptic' movement... You know, those guys who promote the scientific establishment...

I chose the name 'The Offensive Contrarian' because, at my core, I suppose that's what I am. An attention hungry loudmouth ass-hole who just loves to side with the under-dog and generally seems to love everything you fucking hate.

Here's to me posting here instead of my Facebook and somehow getting the same satisfaction of sharing something insightful/clever.