I have been able to gain the things I want through having a full grasp, definition, and conviction of what it is that I want. It is so unfortunate that I have had to achieve such things through pure persistence whereas if I had some guile they would have been readily handed to me. I fear, however, that an aspect to commanding guile is to lose that part of you which knows what you are after; lost in your own fog of illusions.
There must be a combination that will work.
Becoming wealthy rarely works by depending on some grand single-source income opportunity. Rather, it is about making a consistent series of small choices to always maximize your income and savings. Staying that extra hour on the clock, eating at home instead of ordering in. Calling around instead of taking the first deal you find. All of these small things add up into a lifestyle which creates wealth.
I assure you, if you are waiting for your great money-making opportunity to come along, you will forever be poor.
Power in human society has little to do with the strength in your arms, or in your legs. It has to do with the strength of your will, and your resolve. That's the basis for the whole damn species. Think about it. No claws, weak little bellies exposed, hairless, bad backs. This is not a species of warriors and killers; it is a species of philosophers and builders.