I venture to guess that you are this way as well. Consider for a moment, full-penetration violent rape.
I really want you to imagine it. A violent force of rape. Lets say, for a moment, that I had incontrovertible evidence, that some how, some way, allowance of rape against certain women from time to time led to lower crime rates; it created a better economy; lowered unemployment.
Let's pretend, in this fantasy world of non-consensual sexual activity; somehow by raping twenty percent of all women, murder was completely eradicated.
Would it be ok? I would think not. Because, as I understand, there are certain rights that an enlightened person needs to respect.
Can we make rape acceptable by restructuring it? Can intent change its outcome? No, by its very nature, it is a violent and coercive act.
But that's it, isn't it. It really is almost an issue of definition. If it is not consensual, then it is by definition very likely to be in AGAINST the will of it's subjects.
I don't care how passionate and pleasurable a lover you are, if she says 'no', its still rape. No matter what kind of sex she gets outside of the Rape, we are discussing right here, right now, today; I cannot condone any type of Rape ever. Ever. Ever.
If for a second, we wish to consider that it is better to be raped by a man wearing a condom and using lube as opposed to going bare-backed, of course the lubed condom is a preferred method.
But my primary concern will continue to be, the rape. As it lacks consent. And is evil.... lube and rubber or not.
I go too far you say. No one is suggesting full on rape. We just want to take money from those who have it to do good things.
So you tell me. Where does it end? Where is that line then? My point is not to equate what is being done now with full-penetration violent rape, but rather to show that it is an issue of degrees.
What if I told you I could make a very real, very serious, very legitimate case for separating people by race and culture? Madness you say?
There is evidence that when you are culturally and/or racially pure, there is lower crime, higher efficiency, etc. etc. see Japan and Sweden for one, and also
or just open your eyes and see for yourself. There is not much cime in the areas of IL and CA with low minoritiy census; however HORRIBLE crime in areas with blacks and Hispanics.
I am not advocating forced segregation or anything like it. I am advocating for the opposite. I am pointing out, that when we have a free-for-all any action in any category is o.k. as long as its for the 'greater good' its all good DOES NOT WORK!
You know that old saying, that there are lies, damned lies, and then statistics? It works on these issues too. You can make a case for the efficacy of almost anything, and if you do enough research and enough number crunching, you can trounce anyone, because when it comes to the actions and interactions of human beings, there are too many goddamnned variables to make any kind of real definitive cause and effect statements.
Take a look at what is really happening, and ask yourself if it is good. I'm not sure what would happen without the State, but I have pretty good idea from what evidence I have seen.
What I do know is that right now:
We do have secret kill lists.
We do have robots blowing up children.
We do have innocent's being murdered in cold blood whilst these psychos are trying to eradicate PLANTS.
That's right. Homicide in the name of herbicide.
or just open your eyes and see for yourself. There is not much cime in the areas of IL and CA with low minoritiy census; however HORRIBLE crime in areas with blacks and Hispanics.
I am not advocating forced segregation or anything like it. I am advocating for the opposite. I am pointing out, that when we have a free-for-all any action in any category is o.k. as long as its for the 'greater good' its all good DOES NOT WORK!
You know that old saying, that there are lies, damned lies, and then statistics? It works on these issues too. You can make a case for the efficacy of almost anything, and if you do enough research and enough number crunching, you can trounce anyone, because when it comes to the actions and interactions of human beings, there are too many goddamnned variables to make any kind of real definitive cause and effect statements.
Take a look at what is really happening, and ask yourself if it is good. I'm not sure what would happen without the State, but I have pretty good idea from what evidence I have seen.
What I do know is that right now:
We do have secret kill lists.
We do have robots blowing up children.
We do have innocent's being murdered in cold blood whilst these psychos are trying to eradicate PLANTS.
That's right. Homicide in the name of herbicide.
All I'm suggesting here, is that if we can adhere to some kind of maxim of increasing consent in all human interactions, rather than trying to invent these new ways to rape humanity into acting more "justly", maybe the world could be a better, kinder, gentler place.
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