Unhappy? Unsatisfied? Feeling like... something is missing?
It is.
Its money. You need more of it. Well, not just that specifically I guess.
If you want to be happy, it's not difficult, I can tell you how to gain a moderate level of happiness. It's really not that complicated, although it may be very difficult to accomplish. You need two things:
1. Discipline. If you want to be happy, it is going to take hard fucking work. You need to make money. Lots and lots of money. And then you need to save as much of that money as possible. Don't go to the bar; you always get pissy there anyways. Don't eat fancy meals, it all turns into shit in the end anyways.
Don't stop there though. Money, as in cold-hard-cash, really isn't very useful on its own. You need something more important that liquid currency. You need assets.
Land is a good place to start.
But really, any kind of capital investment which is guaranteed to provide you with independent revenue streams or opportunities to leverage (see also; the taking out of a loan against equity in an asset and re-investment of that loan into more capital).
If you are serious about doing this; about building a capital asset structure, and then using that to become independently weathly, then you are close to be happy. Because then. Then my friend. You are powerful. Once you are powerful, truly powerful, then the time-consuming part is over. Next all that is required is the difficult part.
2. Self-Awareness. You need to do some very deep self-discovery. Learn what it is that makes you happy.
Wait, did I just say, 'to be happy, learn what makes you happy'?!
Too obvious? Perhaps. However, you cannot discount the extent to which you may believe that which makes you happy is something people have told you makes you happy, as opposed to what actually makes you happy. True self-awareness is a devastatingly difficult and taxing task. While you are out making your money, spend some very serious time thinking through what drives you; and most of all, DO NOT FEAR THE RESULTS.
My main point here is to say that the reason you are unhappy, is because there is some external situation or possession that will make you happy, and you probably just aren't powerful enough to sustain possession of that thing/situation.
What I want you to think about, is themes, not specific items.
Humans have evolved to be unhappy. Think about it. Contentment stops progress. The savanna ape that is most malcontent achieve's the most, which is best for his genes. But there are certain triggers that can bring you pleasure. I assure you, it works in principles/themes.
Create a portfolio of possessions/situations that keep you in a constant level of extacy and joy.
Below is a list of common things that make people happy, that having more power will help you secure:
- Women
- Friends
- High Quality Luxury Items
- Social Superiority
- Sexual Experiences
- Lack of Accountability
- Health
- Collections
- Security
- Social Superiority
- Admiration
Of course these items are available on the cheap. But, word to the wise, you generally get what you pay for. The quality of the items from these categories purchased with large sums of money, is sufficiently higher to warrant the expenses.
Trust me my friend. If you want to be happy. What you really need to do is gain more power, and get a better understanding of what you want to do with that power.
So quit surfing the internet. Quit trying to 'get rich quick'. Quit dicking around and playing video games. Go get a second job. Get a third job.
Cut down on your expenses, save up, and capitally invest. Purchase some real-estate, invest in a hotel or some super-stable company with decent dividends.
The only person to blame for your economic situtation is you. Buck up, get a job(s), and quit being a whiney little bitch.
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